We invite you to meet our selected artists and companies, and to be inspired by their art at the Helsinki platform. The full programme with schedules is released in December. Read the Curatorial statement of the jury.

Selected artists and companies


Anna Kolfinna Kuran:
Takeover (IS)

BamBam Frost:

Carte Blanche:
Øy (NO)

Convoi Exceptionnel:
For Ever Four Seasons (DK)

Cullberg / Jefta van Dinther:
On Earth I’m Done: Mountains (SE)

Elina Pirinen:
Brume de Mer (FI)

Funeral (SE)

Elle Sofe Sara:
”vástádus eana – the answer is land” (NO)

Fabio Liberti / MUOVI:
As if, I have missed myself (DK)

Heine Avdal & Yukiko Shinozaki / fieldworks:
gone here (yet) to come (NO)


Hooman Sharifi:
The Dead Live On In Our Dreams (NO)

Inés Belli:
Metasexy (NO)

Johanna Nuutinen +Collaborators:

Lindon Shimizu:
Birongitai (FI)

Marble Crowd:
Øland (IS)

Marie Topp & Julia Giertz: Oceanic (DK)

Mette Ingvartsen:
Moving In Concert (DK)

Rósa Ómarsdóttir:
Spills (IS)

Sigrid Stigsdatter Mathiassen: COLD HAWAII (DK)

Sindri Runudde:
A sensoral lecture (SE)

Sonja Jokiniemi:

Fluids (FI)

More More More

Broas & Nyberg:
Designing the End (FI)

Daniel Mariblanca:
Past, Present and Future of 71BODIES (NO)

Harald Beharie:
Batty Bwoy (NO)

Inga Huld Hákonardóttir:
Neind Thing (IS)

Jenni-Elina von Bagh:
A Prologue (FI)

Johanssons pelargoner och dans: The Choreography (SE)

Julienne Doko:
Mémoires Perdues (Lost Memories) (DK)

Katrín Gunnarsdóttir:

Marie Bergby Handeland:
The Church Dancer / The Author Movement (NO)

Melo Collective:
MELOroom (SE)

Mirko Guido:
These_connected_bodies (DK)

Raekallio Corp.:
School of Life (FI)

Recoil Performance Group:
HØST (Harvest) (DK)

Robin Jonsson:
Other Than Human (SE)

Saga S.dóttir:
THIS GRACE: The Garden (IS)

Curatorial statement from the Ice Hot 2022 jury

We, the jury, are intensely proud of the programme for Ice Hot 2022. It is urgent, diverse and fresh.

The selection process has been a truly inspiring journey. It is a profound privilege to work on a pan-Nordic level with focus on what a future Nordic dance ecology could possibly be. And how Ice Hot can support it. And make it sustainable. Every national shortlist was discussed with national advisors and a co-curator – all chosen to expand our reach, knowledge and gaze. The artists, their work, their representation and their needs and contribution were considered. In relation to the ecosystem of dance locally, in a Nordic context, and internationally. Finally we came to an inspiring, dynamic programme that breathes urgency and has an equal representation of the countries. 

This process has been fruitful for us as organizations and as colleagues. We have been very ambitious and wanted a common language and common goals. Ice Hot can be an important generator for connections and actions towards more sustainability, and a stronger Nordic eco-system in the field of dance. We invite you all to meet our artists, be inspired by their art and become part of that development.

Let the dancing begin!

Mikael Aaltonen

Dance House Helsinki

Danjel Andersson

Dansehallerne Denmark

Ólöf Ingólfsdóttir


Samme Raeymaekers

Dansens Hus Oslo

Johannes Öhman

Dansens Hus Stockholm